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GALLERY: Vintage HVAC Advertisements, 1944

Nov. 29, 2016
Advertisements from 1944, the 16th year of HPAC Engineering magazine, then called Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

A critical year of World War II, 1944 marked the beginning of the Battle of Normandy (June 1944 to August 1945), which resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany. Known more commonly as D-Day, it saw American, British, and Canadian forces storm the beaches of Normandy, France. This invasion was one of the largest amphibious military attacks in history, requiring fortuitous and extensive planning. 

Also in 1944, Anne Frank and her family were captured by the Germans and sent to concentration camps. Her “The Diary of a Young Girl” later was published, becoming one of the world’s most widely known books.

On the U.S. home front, citizens were encouraged to grow vegetables in home gardens to help stem food shortages.

One of the earliest forms of sunscreen was developed for the military by Benjamin Green in an effort to protect soldiers fighting in the Pacific tropics.

In sports, the Cleveland Browns were founded by owner Arthur "Mickey" McBride and head coach and Ohio coaching legend Paul Brown. The Browns started play in 1946.

Advertising in 1944 stressed sacrifice and that the people of the United States were in the fight together. Still patriotic, ads began to sell a “postwar dream.” In the ads, companies would feature goods and services not yet available to the public in the hope of being well-positioned when the war finally ended. Cast in a poor light during the Great Depression, many companies sought to redeem their public image with postwar promises. An Allied victory was expected to bring forth a new era of prosperity.

This gallery features a selection of advertisements that appeared in HPAC Engineering magazine, then called Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, in 1944.

January and February 1944

Taylor Forge & Pipe Works

Taylor Forge & Pipe Works ad from the January 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

American Air Filter Company Inc.

American Air Filter Company Inc. ad from the January 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co.

The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. ad from the January 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Johnson Service Corp.

Johnson Service Corp. ad from the February 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Kinetic Chemicals Inc.

Kinetic Chemicals Inc. ad from the February 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Mueller Brass Co.

Mueller Brass Co. ad from the February 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

March and April 1944

The Allen Corp.

The Allen Corp. ad from the March 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Detroit Lubricator Co.

Detroit Lubricator Co. ad from the March 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Ellsworth Pipe & Supply Co.

Ellsworth Pipe & Supply Co. ad from the March 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Ladish Drop Forge Co.

Ladish Drop Forge Co. ad from the April 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Star Electric Motor Co.

Star Electric Motor Co. ad from the April 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Tube-Turn ad from the April 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

May and June 1944

Lincoln Electric Co.

Lincoln Electric Co. ad from the May 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Holtzer-Cabot Electric Co.

The Holtzer-Cabot Electric Co. ad from the May 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Ellsworth Pipe & Supply Co.

The Ellsworth Pipe & Supply Co. ad from the May 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Howell Electric Motors Co.

Howell Electric Motors Co. ad from the June 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Taylor Instruments Co.

Taylor Instruments Co. ad from the June 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Trane Co.

The Trane Co. ad from the June 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

July and August 1944


Spang-Chalfant ad from the July 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Western Brass Mill Products

Western Brass Mill Products ad from the July 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Ellsworth Pipe & Supply Co.

Ellsworth Pipe & Supply Co. ad from the July 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

General Fittings Co.

General Fittings Co. ad from the August 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Schaible Co.

The Schaible Co. ad from the August 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Jenkins Bros.

Jenkins Bros. ad from the August 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

September and October 1944

The Dole Valve Co.

The Dole Valve Co. ad from the September 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Leland Electric Co.

The Leland Electric Co. ad from the September 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Chrysler Corp.

Chrysler Corp. ad from the September 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Ruberoid Co.

The Ruberoid Co. ad from the October 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Allen Corp.

The Allen Corp. ad from the October 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Armstrong Cork Co.

Armstrong Cork Co. ad from the October 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

November and December 1944

The Leland Electric Co.

The Leland Electric Co. ad from the November 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Fulton Sylphon Co.

The Fulton Sylphon Co. ad from the November 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Johnson Service Co.

Johnson Service Co. ad from the November 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Star Electric Motor Co.

Star Electric Motor Co. ad from the December 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Taco Heaters Inc.

Taco Heaters Inc. ad from the December 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Spang-Chalfant ad from the December 1944 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Check out these galleries for more vintage HVAC advertisements from the pages of HPAC Engineering: