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GALLERY: Vintage HVAC Advertisements, 1938

Aug. 19, 2015
Advertisements from 1938, the 10th year of HPAC Engineering magazine, then called Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Still in recession in 1938, the United States, looking to stabilize its economy, passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, creating a national minimum wage. The act also established a 40-hour maximum seven-day work week, created “time and a half” for overtime work, and stopped oppressive child labor. Also during the year, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt established the March of Dimes to fight polio, and Orson Wells' radio broadcast “War of the Worlds” created a nationwide panic and fear of an alien invasion.  

On the advertising front, photographs and crafted illustrations told stories in a more modern style. Pictured here are but a few of the many advertisements featured in HPAC Engineering, then called Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, in 1938.

Republic Steel Corp.

Republic Steel Corp. ad from the January 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Torrington Mfg. Co.

Torrington Mfg. Co. ad from the January 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

John J. Nesbitt Inc. and Warren Webster & Co.

John J. Nesbitt Inc. and Warren Webster Co. ad from the January 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Dayton Rubber Mfg. Co.

Dayton Rubber Mfg. Co. ad from the February 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Detroit Lubricator Co.

Detroit Lubricator Co. ad from the February 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

E. M. Dart Mfg. Co.

E. M. Dart Mfg. Co. ad from the February 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Trane Co.

The Trane Co. ad from the March 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Pipe Fabrication Institute

The Pipe Fabrication Institute ad from the March 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Randall Graphite Products Corp.

Randall Graphite Products Corp. ad from the March 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Owens-Illinios Glass Co.

Owens-Illinios Glass Co. ad from the April 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Fairbanks Co.

The Fairbanks Co. ad from the April 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Crane Co.

Crane Co. ad from the April 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Bell & Gossett Co.

Bell & Gossett Co. ad from the May 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The American Brass Co.

The American Brass Co. ad from the May 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Aerofin Corp.

Aerofin Corp. ad from the May 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

General Electric Co.

General Electric Co. ad from the June 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Cork Import Corp.

Cork Import Co. ad from the June 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Clarage Fan Co.

Clarage Fan Co. ad from the June 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Minneapolis-Honeywell ad from the July 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Ric-Wil Co.

Ric-Wil Co. ad from the July 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The American Rolling Mill Co.

The American Rolling Mill Co. ad from the July 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Linde Air Products Co.

The Linde Air Products Co. ad from the August 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Kinetic Chemicals Inc.

Kinetic Chemicals Inc. ad from the August 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Midwest Piping & Supply Co. Inc.

Midwest Piping & Supply Co. Inc. ad from the August 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

American Blower Corp.

American Blower Corp. ad from the September 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Independent Air Filter Co.

Independent Air Filter Co. ad from the September 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The American Brass Co.

The American Brass Co. ad from the September 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Fulton Sylphon Co.

The Fulton Sylphon Co. ad from the October 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

C. G. Hussey & Co.

C. G. Hussey & Co. ad from the October 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Chicago Metal Hose Corp.

Chicago Metal Hose Corp. ad from the October 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

J. H. Williams & Co.

J. H. Williams & Co. ad from the November 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Worthington Pump and Machinery Corp.

Worthington Pump and Machinery Corp. ad from the November 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Allen-Bradley Co.

Allen-Bradley Co. ad from the November 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Dayton Rubber Mfg. Co.

Dayton Rubber Mfg. Co. ad from the December 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The V. D. Anderson Co.

The V. D. Anderson Co. ad from the December 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Tuttle & Bailey Inc.

Tuttle & Bailey Inc. ad from the December 1938 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Check out these galleries for more vintage HVAC advertisements from the pages of HPAC Engineering: