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GALLERY: Vintage HVAC Advertisements, 1935

April 29, 2015
Advertisements from 1935, the seventh year of HPAC Engineering magazine, then called Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Still in a state of depression, the United States saw its unemployment remain high throughout 1935. Overseas in Germany, the Nuremburg Laws were passed, stripping Jews of their civil rights, and in Italy, Mussolini attacked Ethiopia. But despite the turmoil around the word, new and innovative changes were taking place within America.

A completely synthetic fiber called Nylon was created, the Gallup Poll was introduced, and the first canned beer went on sale. In the world of music, “Swing” by Benny Goodman boogied across the nation. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded in New York City, the Parker Brothers released the game Monopoly, and Amelia Earhart officially became the first person to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean.

With tightened budgets, American advertising shifted its look, focusing more on the consumer than the product, reflecting aspirations of the time, but not directly mentioning the economic struggles. Depression audiences desired clear and simple advertising, and print ads morphed from long testimonials to short and straightforward headlines with bold imagery.

Take a look at a few of the many advertisements that graced the pages of HPAC Engineering, then called Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning

Kelvinator Air Conditioning

Kelvinator Air Conditioning ad from the January 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Ingersoll-Rand ad from the January 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Fedders Manufacturing Co.

The Fedders Manufacturing Co. ad from the January 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Byers Products

Byers Products ad from the February 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Penberthy Products

Penberthy Products ad from the February 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Sturlevant ad from the February 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

National Tube Co.

The National Tube Co. ad from the March 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Crane Co.

The Crane Co. ad from the March 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

American Radiator Co.

The American Radiator Co. ad from the April 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Clarage Fan Co.

The Clarage Fan Co. ad from the April 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Walworth Co.

The Walworth Co. ad from the April 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Honeywell ad from the May 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Sarco Co., Inc.

The Sarco Co., Inc. ad from the May 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Honeywell ad from the June 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Ric-Wil Co.

Ric-Wil Co. ad from the June 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Holtzer-Cabot Electric Co.

The Holtzer-Cabot Electric Co. ad from the June 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Bullard Co.

The Bullard Co. ad from the July 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Owens-Illinois Glass Co.

The Owens-Illinois Glass Co. ad from the July 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Revere Copper and Brass Co.

The Revere Copper and Brass Co. ad from the July 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co.

The Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. ad from the August 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Armstrong Machine Works

The Armstrong Machine Works ad from the August 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co.

The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. ad from the August 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Coppus Engineering Corp.

The Coppus Engineering Corp. ad from the September 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Delco Products Corp.

The Delco Products Corp. ad from the September 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Fairbanks Co.

The Fairbanks Co. ad from the October 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Dole Valve Co.

The Dole Valve Co. ad from the October 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Republic Steel Corp.

The Republic Steel Corp. ad from the November 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

V.D. Anderson Co.

The V.D. Anderson Co. ad from the November 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Buffalo Forge Co.

The Buffalo Forge Co. ad from the December 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Grinnell Co.

The Grinnell Co. ad from the December 1935 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Check out these galleries for more vintage HVAC advertisements from the pages of HPAC Engineering: