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GALLERY: Vintage HVAC Advertisements, 1943

July 13, 2016
Advertisements from 1943, the 15th year of HPAC Engineering magazine, then called Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

As a result of America’s involvement in World War II, U.S. manufacturers had become extremely efficient in the production of war machines, products, and goods by 1943. That year, the Food Rationing Program was in full swing, with canned food, meat, cheese, butter, and cooking oils limited for purchase. But while many people sacrificed material goods, employment increased immensely, with women playing a large role in manufacturing as part of the war effort.

For entertainment and to fill empty ballparks, the All-American Girls Baseball League was created in 1943. Also that year, the Pentagon building was completed, the Golden Globe Awards were created, and the popular children’s toy Slinky was invented.

In December 1943, the Great Depression officially ended.

Advertisements in 1943 encouraged Americans to join and support the war effort. Large machines, ships, and trucks were popular visuals. Unification and work were common themes. Optimistic post-war messaging also was prominent in many ads.

Here is a selection of advertisements that appeared in HPAC Engineering, then called Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, in 1943.

January and February 1943

Buffalo Forge Co.

Buffalo Forge Co. ad from the January 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Spang Chalfant Inc.

Spang Chalfant Inc. ad from the January 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

American Air Filter Co. Inc.

American Air Filter Co. Inc. ad from the January 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

United States Air Conditioning Corp.

United States Air Conditioning Corp. ad from the February 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Bryant Heater Co.

The Bryant Heater Co. ad from the February 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Citizen Service Corp.

Citizen Service Corp. ad from the February 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

March and April 1943

The Trane Co.

The Trane Co. ad from the March 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The American Rolling Mill Co.

The American Rolling Mill Co. ad from the March 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Emerson Electric Manufacturing Co.

The Emerson Electric Manufacturing Co. ad from the March 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Howell Electric Motors Co.

Howell Electric Motors Co. ad from the April 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Midwest Piping and Supply Co. Inc.

Midwest Piping and Supply Co. Inc. ad from the April 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Fulton Sylphon Co.

The Fulton Sylphon Co. ad from the April 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

May and June 1943

York Ice Machinery Corp.

York Ice Machinery Corp. ad from the May 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Todd Shipyards Corp.

Todd Shipyards Corp. ad from the May 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Louis Allis Co.

The Louis Allis Co. ad from the May 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Flori Pipe Co.

The Flori Pipe Co. ad from the June 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Howell Electric Motors Co.

Howell Electric Motors Co. ad from the June 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Detroit Lubricator Co.

Detroit Lubricator Co. ad from the June 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

July and August 1943

Marlo Coil Co.

Marlo Coil Co. ad from the July 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Brass Mill Products

Brass Mill Products ad from the July 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Clarage Fan Co.

Clarage Fan Co. ad from the July 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.

Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. ad from the August 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Mueller Brass Co.

Mueller Brass Co. ad from the August 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

American Chain & Cable Co. Inc.

American Chain & Cable Co. Inc. ad from the August 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

September and October 1943

The Fulton Sylphon Co.

The Fulton Sylphon Co. ad from the September 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Air-Maze Corp.

Air-Maze Corp. ad from the September 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The American Rolling Mill Co.

The American Rolling Mill Co. ad from the September 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Howell Electric Motors Co.

Howell Electric Motors Co. ad from the October 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Star Electric Motor Co.

Star Electric Motor Co. ad from the October 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Link-Belt Co.

Link-Belt Co. ad from the October 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

November and December 1943

The Allen Corp.

The Allen Corp. ad from the November 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Penn Electric Switch Co.

Penn Electric Switch Co. ad from the November 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Kieley & Mueller Pressure & Fluid Control Specialties

Kieley & Mueller Pressure & Fluid Control Specialties ad from the November 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Taco Heaters Inc.

Taco Heaters Inc. ad from the December 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

Todd Shipyards Corp.

Todd Shipyards Corp. ad from the December 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.

The Trane Co.

The Trane Co. ad from the December 1943 issue of Heating Piping and Air Conditioning.


Check out these galleries for more vintage HVAC advertisements from the pages of HPAC Engineering:

• 1942

• 1941

• 1940

• 1939

• 1938

• 1937

• 1936

• 1935

• 1934

• 1933

• 1932

• 1931

• 1930

• 1929