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NEW eBOOK: Sustainable Frontiers 2020, A Selection of 'Clark's Remarks'

Nov. 23, 2020
Download our new compilation of selected "Clark's Remarks" from 2020. It's been an eventful year, to say the least. Review the projects, products and progress that caught our attention.

This extraordinary year has seen all of our lives altered by a global pandemic, but one thing that has remained constant has been Earth’s other urgent threat: global warming. Lest we take our eye off that ball, HPAC Engineering here provides a handy collection of some of our most interesting writing on sustainability issues from 2020. And what better place to turn than the growing archives of our most prolific contributor, sustainability expert Larry Clark. Of course, others have covered important green topics for us this year, too, but none with more consistency (or frequency) than Larry. So, we offer here these selected highlights in eBook form for another annual compendium.

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