Content Contributor Guidelines

HPAC Engineering magazine welcomes contributed editorial content from experts and practitioners in our industry. Please view these guidelines to understand our decision-making process.

Started in 1929, HPAC Engineering is a technical publication that targets mechanical-systems designers and facilities engineers and is intended as an educational platform to help them do their jobs better.

Bylined articles we publish, either in print or online, are usually technical in nature, focusing on all aspects of designing, specifying, operating, and maintaining energy-efficient mechanical and building automation systems. To help us remain one of the most technically accurate engineering magazines serving this industry, we also maintain an editorial advisory board consisting of professional engineers who may be called upon to review potential features.

There are three types of content one can contribute:

  1. Bylined technical features: These are general (i.e. nonproprietary/noncommercial/nonpromotional) articles that avoid mention of specific products, manufacturers, and services. They should provide a genuine takeaway for readers—something to help them do their jobs better.
  2. Commentary articles: HPAC Engineering occasionally publishes columns and opinions from HVACR thought leaders on timely industry-related developments and issues. These articles are also nonpromotional.
  3. Case studies: HPAC Engineering also showcases innovative design ideas, or how peculiar problems are resolved. These stories allow manufacturers and service providers to talk about how their product or service was successfully applied in the field. It should include a discussion of the building—its age, type, use, and, if permitted, owner. These articles also should highlight what problem or challenge was overcome, what the solution was, and subsequent results (performance data), as well as applicability to other buildings.

Word count

Generally 600 to 1,200 words, with exceptions on occasion. All contributed content must be first-run by HPAC Engineering. This means that articles or columns should not have already appeared on other websites or in other publications. Unless there is a pressing time hook, we typically respond to unsolicited pitches within 2 to 4 weeks of receipt.

Final decisions on acceptance for publication, either online or in print, will be made only upon seeing a completed manuscript.


We plan out our print content several months in advance and generally try to follow our editorial calendar. However, this does not mean that our topics are carved in stone. If you have an idea that is not on our calendar, please feel free to you can still query us.

HPAC Engineering is a teaching publication and though that often means we cover new advances, we also cover older material to refresh it with new approaches, different designs, and so on.

Getting published

The first step to getting published is to contact an editor with your idea. The editors of HPAC Engineering are:

The editor will advise you as to the magazine's interest; help you hone your idea, if necessary; walk you through the publishing process; and discuss article parameters and deadlines.

So don't be shy. If there is something that you would like to write that would benefit your fellow engineers and designers, please let us know.

We look forward to your contributions!

Send comments and suggestions to [email protected].