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'Future of Engineering' Roundtable Measures Impact of Technology

June 11, 2020
On June 18, the ACEC Research Institute will launch this new online series of panel discussions designed to educate engineers on our changing industry.

Washington, DC, June 12, 2020 - Technology was changing the face of the engineering industry before COVID-19 and it will certainly play an even greater role in the design process after the pandemic ends. To survive in such a dynamic and turbulent environment, engineering firms will need to think bigger. The question remains; how? How will engineering firms integrate technology to maintain workforce culture and collaboration during social distancing? How will machine learning, A.I. and VR change the design process? How will data create new solutions to existing challenges?

The ACEC Research Institute will tackle these questions and more during the first event of its new Future of Engineering Roundtable series, which kicks off on June 18th with a panel discussion featuring leading industry futurists on the Impact of Technology on Engineering.

Confirmed panelists include:

  • Jose Luis Blanco, Partner, McKinsey & Company;
  • Mike Haley, Vice President of Research, Autodesk, Inc.;
  • Chris Luebkeman, Director for Strategic Foresight, Office of the President, ETH Zurich;
  • Heather Wishart-Smith, SVP Technology and Innovation, Jacobs;
  • Moderator: Joseph Bates, ACEC Research Institute.


WHO:       The ACEC Research Institute

WHAT:      Virtual roundtable discussion on the Impact of Technology on Engineering

WHEN:     Thursday, June 18th at 1:30pm EST

WHERE:   Virtual roundtable – register to attend here.

Please contact: Jeff Urbanchuk ([email protected]) with any questions. 

For more information about the ACEC Research Institute, visit its website at

The ACEC Research Institute is the research arm of the American Council of Engineering Companies - the business association of the nation’s engineering industry. The ACEC Research Institute’s mission is to deliver knowledge and business strategies that guide and elevate the engineering industry and to be the leading source of knowledge and thought leadership for creating a more sustainable, safe, secure and technically advanced built environment.