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New Aquatherm North America Headquarters Nearing Completion

Dec. 9, 2016
Aquatherm North America, subsidiary of polypropylene-random (PP-R) pipe manufacturer Aquatherm Worldwide, will move into a new headquarters in February 2017.

Aquatherm North America, the U.S. subsidiary of polypropylene-random (PP-R) pipe manufacturer Aquatherm Worldwide, is preparing to move into a new headquarters in February 2017.

Located in Lindon, Utah, roughly two miles from the company’s existing facility, the 82,000-sq-ft building will provide ample space for operations, including office space for corporate staff, engineering and quality-assurance laboratories, extensive warehouse space, and a state-of-the-art fabrication facility.

“The new Aquatherm North America building represents a significant step forward for our entire organization, and one of the most exciting things is the way in which it will allow us to better support our Design & Fabrication Services department,” Jordan Hardy, chief executive officer, Aquatherm North America, said. “Design and fabrication services are a significant benefit for all of our partners and customers in the U.S. and Canada. We will be able to greatly expand these services at our new location.”

The new headquarters is being constructed to high environmental standards:

  • Energy-efficient LEDs and lighting controls are being installed throughout the building. All of the offices and restrooms will have occupancy sensors that automatically turn off lights when no one is present.
  • A high-efficiency boiler and chiller are being installed.
  • Low-flow-control faucets and flush valves on toilets and urinals will help conserve water.
  • A bike rack will inspire employees to skip the car ride to work, while locating the building within two blocks of a bus stop will help encourage employees and visitors to use public transportation.
  • Rain water will be recycled directly back to the earth to recharge the ground water.
  • Concrete slab walls with a layer of rigid polyisocyanurate insulation and steel studs with fiberglass batt insulation in between will be covered by sheetrock to achieve a minimum of R-13.
  • The roof will feature R-30 insulation.
  • All of the exhaust air will be processed through an energy-recovery unit to temper the fresh air coming into the building.
  • Construction-activity-pollution prevention and construction-waste management will be a priority.
  • Building life-cycle impact reduction will be included wherever possible.
  • A high-efficiency radiant heating and cooling system will provide a comfortable work environment while using the least energy possible.

The building also will feature a great deal of natural light to save energy and provide a feeling of openness. Low-E glass windows in the reception area, skylights in the warehouse and office corridor, and large exterior windows will yield a wealth of natural light, even on cloudy days. Lights near the energy-efficient windows will be controlled by daylight. Additionally, offices will have glass doors and accompanying pieces of 8-ft vertical glass to allow natural light into interior offices.

“I’ve been impressed with the construction so far,” Clifford Holmes, PE, GPD, senior applications engineer for Aquatherm North America and the point person for the project, said. “The process of tilting up the 10-in.-thick walls made with recycled-material concrete was amazing. The walls also are so full of recycled steel that they seem almost invincible. In fact, the architect explained to me how the tilt-up walls as well as the floor, footings, and steel roof structure are all tied together to resist seismic forces up to an 8 magnitude.”

Aquatherm PP-R piping systems will be used extensively throughout the building:

  • Aquatherm Blue Pipe in ½- to 3-in. sizes will be used to convey heating and chilled water throughout the office area to Aquatherm Black System radiant heating and cooling panels.
  • Aquatherm Green Pipe in ½- to 4-in. sizes will be used to convey potable water throughout the building. The pipe in ½- to 1-in. sizes also will be used for the compressed-air system in the production, laboratory, and testing areas.
  • Aquatherm Red Pipe in ½- to 3-in. sizes will be used for the fire-sprinkler system in the office and training areas.
  • Aquatherm Lilac Pipe in 4- to 6-in. sizes will be used for the roof drainage system.
  • Aquatherm Black System radiant panels will be used to heat and cool the office and training areas. Efficient radiant heating and cooling panels in 2-ft-by-2-ft sizes and 14-in.-by-4-ft and 14-in.-by-8-ft sizes will be used in the ceiling and, where necessary, walls, respectively. Zone controls will help to create the best thermal comfort available.