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Low-Pressure-Drop Y-Strainer

Feb. 23, 2016
The LPD Y-strainer has an open interior yielding smooth flow from intake to discharge and a 30-percent-larger screen with many more holes.
With an open interior yielding smooth flow from intake to discharge and a 30-percent-larger screen with many more holes, the LPD Y-strainer significantly reduces pressure loss and saves energy. The LPD Y-strainer has the same face-to-face size as a standard Y-strainer, so it easily retrofits into existing piping systems. Independent testing at Utah Water Research Laboratory showed pressure loss was less with a 6-in. LPD Y-strainer with 50-percent-clogged screen than with a 6-in. standard Y-strainer with completely clean screen. An online calculator allows design and facility engineers to compare traditional Y-strainers with the LPD Y-strainer and see how much they can save. The LPD Y-strainer is available in sizes from 2-1/2 to 12 in. in 125# cast iron.

The Metraflex Co.