Our November/December Editor's Notes column drew a 'divided' response from our readers...
Dear Editor,
I enjoyed reading your article, Divided Nation, Focused Industry. The references to Lincoln were especially appreciated. As you wrote, “…it is an opportunity to recommit ourselves to our core values.” Now is the time to unify, give thanks, and move forward.
David Shore, Senior Scientist
Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc.
Newton, MA
Dear Editor,
I enjoyed your Editor's Notes regarding the election. While we seem to be a nation torn in two, I find it's often possible to find common ground with folks who have views other than mine as long as the conversation remains civil. In many cases, thinking people can agree that our electoral and political systems are broken. We need campaign finance reform, term limits, and to reestablish the separation of church and state, among other fixes. But the powers that be have no desire for that to happen. What will it take for that to happen?
Barry Campbell, Communications specialist
Sandpoint, ID
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
Questioning why you chose to push the “division” narrative and stoke the fires of civil discourse with your HPAC article title? Isn’t every election divided? Isn’t that what makes a free and fair democratic election?
Vincent Grassi, PE, BCxP
Woodard & Curran
Portland, ME
HPAC Responds:
Dear Mr. Grassi,
Thank you for feedback. As you acknowledge, we are a "divided" nation after this election, like most elections. That's why I chose to emphasize the areas that unite us, especially in this industry.
Rob McManamy, Editor-in-Chief
HPAC Engineering
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