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AMCA International Announces 2016-17 President, Board of Directors

Nov. 1, 2016
Tim O'Hare, vice president of sales and marketing, New York Blower, is 2016-2017 president of Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc.

Tim O'Hare, vice president of sales and marketing, New York Blower, Willowbrook, Ill., is 2016-2017 president of Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc., the association announced during its 2016 Annual Meeting.

O'Hare, who joined New York Blower in April 1989 and has held the titles of product specialist, regional sales manager, national sales manager, and director of marketing, in addition to vice president of sales and marketing, has been an active member of AMCA International for 11 years, during which he has participated on the Sales and Marketing Executive Steering Committee, the Marketing Committee, the Industrial Power & Process Group, and the FEG Marketing Task Force. He joined the AMCA Board of Directors in 2012, serving as secretary, treasurer, and vice president.

"It is a privilege to be part of AMCA's leadership during its centennial year,” O'Hare said. “While we will be celebrating our long history in the coming months, we also have much to focus on in the present. We have a great team in place that will readily meet the challenges and opportunities presented to us by U.S. Department of Energy regulation and its impact on the AMCA Certified Ratings Program, and this team will continue the ongoing commitment to AMCA's growth in all regions. I look forward to our team building upon the foundation that the AMCA staff and members have established during the past hundred years."

AMCA also announced the members who will serve on the AMCA Executive Committee and AMCA Board of Directors in 2016-2017.

AMCA's 2016-2017 Executive Committee members are:

  • Chairman of the Board: Tim Kilgore, president of sales and marketing, Greenheck Fan Corp., Wausau, Wis.
  • President: O'Hare.
  • Vice President: Doug Yamashita, executive vice president of sales and marketing, Acme Engineering and Manufacturing Corp., Muskogee, Okla.
  • Treasurer: David A. Johnson, director of engineering, Berner International Corp., New Castle, Pa.
  • Secretary: Amit Ahuja, general manager, Maico Gulf, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Returning members of the board of directors are:

  • Tom Gustafson, chief technology officer/quality manager, Hartzell Air Movement, Piqua, Ohio.
  • Mats Georg Sándor, technical director, Systemair AB, Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.
  • John Magill, vice president of engineering, Howden North America Inc., Columbia, S.C.
  • C.K. So, head of department, GTG Industries Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Newly elected to the AMCA Board of Directors for three-year terms are:

  • Frank R. Cuaderno, vice president of engineering, Mars Air Systems LLC, Gardena, Calif.
  • Keith Glasch, president, Ruskin, Kansas City, Mo.
  • Jim Meats, director of marketing, Loren Cook Co., Springfield, Mo.