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(From left) Tomokazu Hosoi, FGA President; Ruben Marcucci, FGA Senior Director of Aftermarket; Toshiyuki Kawanishi, FGL Corporate Senior Executive Vice President; Yasushi Asanuma, FGL Corporate Vice President, Head of International Business Unit; Hideomi Osada, FGA Chief Financial Officer.
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TechLit Online

Oct. 1, 2012

MSAV® Supply Fan from Lennox

New MSAV® supply fan technology, available on Lennox Commercial’s Energence® 7.5- to 25-ton rooftop units, easily adapts to changing conditions to improve year-round efficiency. By using a variable frequency drive and Lennox’ patent-pending control algorithms, the MSAV supply fan allows the rooftop unit to lower airflow for a dramatic reduction of energy use in multiple modes of operation—including part-load cooling, heating, ventilation and free-cooling operation—resulting in year-round utility savings. Additional benefits include: Occupied and unoccupied supply fan operational energy savings and part-load (IEER) energy savings, with efficiency improvements up to 27%.

Visit for more details.

Cut Energy Costs, Increase Indoor Comfort
with IAQPoint2™ by Honeywell Analytics

Honeywell Analytics introduces IAQPoint2, a customizable touch screen monitor with ability to control three IAQ parameters (Carbon Dioxide or Volatile Organic Compounds, temperature and humidity). The unit boosts energy efficiency, fresh air comfort and building performance through on-demand ventilation activation with relays triggering fans locally or via a building automation system. Easy to use, easy to install, easy to maintain, the unit contributes to LEED accreditation (up to three points) and green building practices, and complies with ASHRAE 62.1, CSA-B52 and the International Building Code. Call Honeywell Analytics, 800/ 563-2967, or visit


E3Point = Efficient operations + Energy management + Economical value.

E3Point detects almost every toxic or flammable gas that threaten the security of your building. It can monitor one or two gases simultaneously through a base station and optional remote sensor. E3Point is easy to wire, easy to maintain and easy to operate. To stretch your building’s performance, call us now. Honeywell Analytics. Experts in gas detection.

For E3Point product details and specifications, call 1-800-538-0363 or visit


Total Installed Costs (TIC) - A More Complete Way To Compare HVAC Systems.

A truly comprehensive comparison of upfront HVAC costs includes equipment plus potential hidden costs like design costs, installation tooling, rigging, building modifications, and controls integration.

Talk to Mitsubishi Electric Cooling and Heating, America’s #1 selling brand of ductless systems, about how our solutions can save money on a TIC basis and the many advantages of Mitsubishi Electric systems – precise zoning, energy efficiency, simultaneous heating and cooling, low service requirements, and more.

Download Mitsubishi Electric's white paper on Total Installed Costs, at

—Mitsubishi Electric


The Definitive Guide to Environmentally Responsible Piping

For nearly 40 years Aquatherm’s polypropylene-random (PP-R) piping systems have been proven around the globe in potable, HVAC, industrial, and grey water applications. Now these heat-fused, pressure pipe systems are changing the North American market with an industry-leading warranty, time and material savings, and unmatched environmental benefits. View the company’s 2011 catalog, which features detailed product information, installation types, procedures, and principles, and see for yourself why Aquatherm is the fastest growing pipe in the U.S.! Available via

—Aquatherm, Inc.


Loosens Frozen Metal Parts

Based on a scientific discovery at Kano Laboratories, Kroil creeps into millionth inch spaces, dissolves rust and lubricates to Loosen Frozen Metal Parts. Kroil has been used by 480 of the Fortune 500 since 1939 and is guaranteed to meet your expectations whatever they may be. Kroil is for industrial use and is sold direct to you in aerosol and bulk. No minimum order.

Call 866-774-9524 or order from the Website at:

—Kano Laboratories


Motor Mounting Systems

A brochure from Overly Hautz illustrates the company's motor mounting products, including automatic motor bases, adjustable rail, custom motor mountings, and transition bases to adapt NEMA "re-rated" motor frame sizes to existing mountings, outlines, and designs. The brochure also describes Overly Hautz's manufacturing capabilities and gives a brief company history.

—Overly Hautz Motor Base Co.


Most building heating systems contain equipment that is incompatible with condensing boilers.

For those buildings there is the ENERVEX IPVB-ECO – an economizer that can achieve up to a 90+% efficient heating system.

It is extremely suitable for low-to-mid efficiency boilers equipped with a draft hood or a draft diverter.

  • A single IPVB-ECO Economizer can serve multiple boilers
  • Maintains perfect draft conditions no matter the heating load
  • Replaceable heat exchanger (only minor disassembly required)
  • Simple installation – easy retrofit
  • Natural gas or LP
  • Optional automatic by-pass

The IPVB-ECO is patent pending. Contact us for further information: ENERVEX Inc.
P: 770.587.3238
E: [email protected]


Lattner Electric Steam Boilers

Eight-page bulletin provides clear, current information on using cabinet boilers in up-to-date, cost-effective ways. Low and high pressure steam. 7.5 to 3600 KW. 25 to 12,420 Lb/Steam/Hr. 212F. For economical space heating, humidification in commercial, industrial, institutional buildings; or supply process steam for industrial use. Comprehensive sample specifications, optional uses; easy-to-understand how to order information.

—Lattner Boiler Mfg. Co.


Cottonwood Filter Screens & Hail Guards

  • Compatible with all makes & models
  • Mesh Screen Specifically Developed For Use on HVAC Equipment - Includes Quick Release Fasteners.
  • Nearly Invisible to Air Flow.
  • Non-Stick Surface Cleanable With a Broom, Brush, Shop Vac,Garden Hose, Even Rain Will Rinse Them Clean.
  • Doesn’t Require Removal forCleaning.
  • Reduces Cleaning Maintenancetime & effort by up to 70%
  • Helps Reduce Energy Cost
  • Earn LEED Credits
  • Service Life Up To 15 Years

—Air Solution Company



Airflow Direction's WISEMAN-TUBE® Room Pressure Monitor offers a simple way to show your room is operating properly.

Airflow Direction incorporated
Toll Free: 888-334-4545
email: [email protected]

Shortridge's Airdata Multimeter

The AirData Multimeter is a handheld, electronic, digitalreadout meter that offers precision in the measurement of air flow, velocity, pressure and temperature with automatic correction for local air density. Meter features automatic measurement mode, sequential storage and recall, sum and average, and English and metric units. It is NIST traceable.

—Shortridge Instruments Inc.


Shortridge's Electronic Flowhood CFM-88

The new electronic FlowHood gives fast, accurate, direct digital readout of density-corrected airflow measurements. It reads 25 to 2500 cfm, supply or exhaust, and is available in either cfm or liters per sec. It comes complete with five top sizes and a carrying case. It is NIST traceable.

—Shortridge Instruments Inc



ORIVAL automatic, self-cleaning water filters remove micron-size suspended solids, independent of specific gravity, from water in once-through and recirculating systems. Single filters handle flow rates to 10,000 gpm; units can be banked to handle unlimited flows. The automatic, selfcleaning cycle is line-pressure powered, takes only seconds to complete, and does not interrupt system flow.

[email protected]

—Orival Inc.



Orival filtration products are used on cooling systems worldwide. Orival offers individual automatic filters, manifolded multi-filters and skid mounted water treatment systems to removes organic and inorganic suspended solids from cooling water decreasing deposition on heat transfer surfaces, reducing sites for micro-organisms to colonize and preventing the clogging of nozzles, orifices and valve actuators. 800-567-9767

[email protected]

—Orival Inc.