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Clean Burn Receives DOE Award

Dec. 3, 2009
Clean Burn, a manufacturer of used-oil furnaces and boilers, has received the “2009 Save Energy Now Energy Saver” award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Technologies Program (ITP). The Energy Saver award is presented to ...

Clean Burn, a manufacturer of used-oil furnaces and boilers, has received the “2009 Save Energy Now Energy Saver” award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Technologies Program (ITP).

The Energy Saver award is presented to companies that participate in a Save Energy Now energy assessment and successfully achieve more than 75,000 MMBtu total energy savings or more than 7.5 percent total energy savings. One of the aspects that made Clean Burn eligible is that the company heats its 125,000-sq-ft manufacturing facility with recycled oil through its boilers and furnaces. The company does not use any electricity or natural gas for heat.

Save Energy Now is a national initiative to reduce industrial energy intensity 25 percent or more in 10 years. Companies nationwide can partner with DOE, participate in no-cost energy assessments, and use ITP's resources to reduce energy use and improve efficiency while increasing profits.

In 2009, ITP awarded 140 plants for making significant progress in implementing the energy-savings opportunities identified through a Save Energy Now energy assessment. In total, the award recipients achieved more than $47 million in cost savings and 6.4 trillion Btu in total energy savings.