Whether you’re in Sydney or here in the U.S., it is imperative for building managers and owners to frequently check that their buildings are not at risk for fire.
A story printed in the Sydney Morning Herald found that high-rise towers in Melbourne may be at risk for damage by fire. This audit from Victoria’s building permit system found plenty of potential safety hazards, according to the website, including a pattern of poor compliance with local regulations.
As fire authorities continue investigating the cause of a blaze at a 21-storey Docklands apartment building last month, The Sunday Age can reveal documents for hundreds of building permits checked by the state's construction watchdog were substandard, with many lacking key fire safety details.
Paperwork for 64 per cent of the commercial building permits audited lacked enough detail and drawings to tell if they met fire-resistance standards, leading the Victorian Building Authority to conclude the "buildings may be a risk to occupants in a fire situation".
Whether you’re in Sydney or here in the U.S., it is imperative for building managers and owners to frequently check that their buildings are not at risk for fire. Not only is the property of your building and tenants at stake, lives may be in danger as well.