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The sharing economy could be a good idea for facility managers building owners

Sharing is Caring: Collaboration May Help Facility Managers

March 18, 2015
There can be some great benefits in utilizing aspects of the sharing economy for facility managers, according to a post on TriplePundit by Kim Tjoa.

There can be some great benefits in utilizing aspects of the sharing economy for facility managers, according to a post on TriplePundit by Kim Tjoa. She said the sharing economy could allow managers to share underutilized company assets to help save dollars from the budget and perhaps create some new lines of revenue.

The sharing economy has gained immense popularity in 2014 but is projected to be an even bigger trend in 2015. This year will be epitomized by more efficiently utilizing what we already have through sharing (renting or trading) with others. At organizations and businesses all around the world, expensive equipment is standing idle, rooms are empty and important knowledge is not being used the way it could be. It would be a shame not to do anything with these assets. After all, anything that stands idle does not bring in any revenue, costs money and is definitely not sustainable.

Would you ever consider sharing things you own, personnel or services with other businesses? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments or email Content Producer Hal Conick at [email protected].
