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Updated Software Supports Building-Performance Feedback

April 3, 2012
Version 3.0 of Data Manager is capable of gathering real-time data from multiple buildings across multiple locations and supports building-performance feedback via Internet-connected computers, smartphones, and tablet devices.

Version 3.0 of Data Manager is capable of gathering real-time data from multiple buildings across multiple locations and supports building-performance feedback via Internet-connected computers, smartphones, and tablet devices. Data Manager is an integral component of QA Graphics’ Energy Efficiency Education Dashboard. Version 3.0 offers integrated data access within the Microsoft platform, allowing companies to store and report all data from all their buildings within one Microsoft SQL database and export the data to programs such as Microsoft Excel for further analysis. The company also offers custom solutions including applications that work with both the Johnson Controls and NiagaraAX software frameworks, both of which eliminate the need for the gateway component. —QA Graphics