An embedded controller designed for remote monitoring and control applications, the JACE-202-XPR combines integrated-control, supervision, data-logging, alarming-scheduling, and network-management functions; integrated input/output; and optional general-packet-radio-service modem connectivity with Internet connectivity and Web-serving capabilities.
— Tridium
Circle 9
Zoning system
VBZS (Viconics BACnet Zoning System) is a native BACnet-based changeover bypass-type zone-control system that features preprogrammed zoning-system algorithms, automatic binding of time schedules, and heating and cooling demands as well as an on-board menu-driven setup/configuration tool for ease of installation.
— Viconics Electronics Inc.
Circle 10
Site-management software
Site Manager v1.6 software enables users to broadcast enterprisewide schedule changes, back up and restore the settings of facility controllers from Emerson's E2 line, update firmware, and view system alarms and information. The software also can aggregate data from across one or more buildings in which E2 controllers are installed.
— Emerson Climate Technologies
Circle 11
HVACR-controls catalog
A catalog from ICM Controls details the company's line of HVACR controls, including motor-protection, fan-blower, furnace, gas-ignition, defrost, condensation, head-pressure, and lead-lag controls. Features, applications, specifications, and modes of operation are described. Photographs and diagrams are featured.
— ICM Controls
Circle 12
Send new-equipment, literature, and digital-media announcements for future Applications & Resources sections on BAS/controls, boilers, motors and drives, pumping and piping, and ventilation to Associate Editor Megan White at [email protected]. Indicate in the subject line of the e-mail message the intended section.