One hundred ten addenda, including major changes to building-envelope, lighting, mechanical, and energy-cost-budget requirements, are contained in the newly published ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
“This standard represents many advances over the 2010 standard, as we worked toward our goal of making the standard 40 to 50 percent more stringent than the 2004 standard,” Steve Skalko, chair of the committee that wrote the 2013 standard, said.
The most significant changes include:
• Increased efficiencies for heat pumps, packaged terminal air conditioners, single packaged vertical heat pumps, and air-conditioner evaporative condensers.
• The introduction of fan-efficiency requirements.
• Provisions addressing commercial refrigeration equipment, improved controls on heat-rejection and boiler equipment, requirements for expanded use of energy recovery, small-motor efficiencies, and fan-power control and credits.
• The addition of an alternate method of compliance for computer-room systems.
The cost of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013 is $115 for ASHRAE members and $135 for non-members. Copies can be ordered by phone at 800-527-4723 (United States and Canada) or 404-636-8400, by fax at 678-539-2129, or online at