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Fastrack- August 25, 2010

Aug. 27, 2010
Fan selection and energy savings

August 25, 2010

There's Still Time to Register for EGB Conference/HVACR Week

HPAC Engineering's annual Engineering Green Buildings (EGB) Conference, part of HVACR Week, offers exceptional opportunities for you to meet and learn from leading green-industry gurus, such as Ron Wilkinson, Peter D’Antonio, and Don Beaty.

EGB Conference sessions will cover timely topics, such as Smart Grid, commissioning, and building energy-rating systems. Additionally, your EGB registration provides access to all HVACR WEEK 2010 functions, including:

• Any conference session of your choice, including those for HVAC Comfortech and the Commercial HVACR Symposium.
• The HVACR WEEK Product Showcase, where the latest HVACR products and technologies are on full display.
• The opening keynote event, featuring Mike Eruzione, captain of the "Miracle on Ice" 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team.
• The Thursday Night Extravaganza.
• The welcome reception.
• And more!

Here's a unique benefit of EGB that often is overlooked: As a critical component of HVACR WEEK, the EGB Conference extends your networking opportunities into the commercial-contracting community. Meet and converse with mechanical contractors and gain their perspectives on mechanical-systems design, including green-engineering challenges.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the industry event of the year! Plan now to attend the EGB Conference and other HVACR WEEK events.

To register today, visit


Fan Selection and Energy Savings
By Brian Mleziva; Greenheck Fan Corp.; Schofield, Wis.

HVAC design engineers face many choices throughout the planning process, perhaps few as crucial as that of fan equipment, a principal consumer of energy. This article will discuss options for improving energy efficiency when designing an HVAC system and selecting a fan. [MORE]





EPA's Proposed Rule Specifies New Boiler Limits

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued a proposed rule to establish national emission standards for commercial and industrial boilers fueled by coal, biomass, or oil. [MORE]

Siemens Announces Smartest Building Winners

Siemens Industry Inc. has announced the winners of its inaugural Smartest Building in America Challenge. Grand-prize winners are the Duke Energy Center in Charlotte, N.C., and Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Runner-up winners are the Cold Climate Housing Research Center in Fairbanks, Alaska, and the Rasmussen Building at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa. [MORE]




Standard 90.1 Featured in ASHRAE Fall Educational Courses

Two new courses related to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, are part of the 12 online professional-development courses being offered this fall by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) through the ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI). [MORE]

GreenGov Symposium Open for Registration

Presented by The White House Council on Environmental Quality and hosted by The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., Oct. 5-7, the GreenGov Symposium will bring together leaders from federal, state, and local governments; the nonprofit and academic communities; and the private sector for a three-day educational event to identify opportunities for greening the federal government. [MORE]



The Trouble with Outdoor Humidity Measurement NEW Vaisala Application Note: Choice of outdoor humidity sensors critical to economical free cooling. Topics covered include: 'What is Wet-bulb temperature,' 'Recommended Specifications for Outdoor Humidity Sensor,' 'Optimize Free Cooling Systems with Accurate Measurements.' Download the Vaisala Application Note.--Vaisala


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