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EGB, March 17, 2010

March 17, 2010
March 17, 2010 EGB Features What's New With LEED Professional CredentialsBy ERIN EMERY, Green Building Certification Institute, Washington, D.C. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Professional ...

March 17, 2010

EGB Features

What's New With LEED Professional Credentials
By ERIN EMERY, Green Building Certification Institute, Washington, D.C.

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Professional Credentials program is the industry's agreed-upon way of identifying professionals who demonstrate ongoing excellence in green-building practice, providing certainty and relevance for the marketplace. The credentials are designed to meet two goals. First, they recognize green-building expertise and create incentives for professionals to maintain and advance their knowledge and skills. Additionally, they provide employers, policymakers, and other stakeholders with assurances of a professional's current level of competence. LEED credentials are the marks of the most qualified, educated, and influential green-building professionals. [More]

EGB News

Model Green-Building Code Announced

Organizations representing building-safety professionals, energy and lighting engineers, green-building practitioners, architects, and technical-standard developers have come together to establish a comprehensive model green-building code designed to rapidly advance green-building practice across the United States. [More]

Unit for Electricity Savings Named After 'Godfather' of Energy Efficiency

The Rosenfeld, proposed as a unit for electricity savings, will be named after the man seen by many people as the godfather of energy efficiency, Arthur Rosenfeld. [More]

Conference to Focus on Building-System Performance

The Building Enclosure Council—Portland will be hosting the BEST2 Conference April 12-14 in Portland, Ore. A three-day event, the conference will be comprised of three tracks (energy efficiency, whole buildings, and fenestration) that will focus on specific aspects of building-system performance, such as high energy efficiency, good indoor climate, and long-term performance. [More]

ConnectivityWeek 2010: Buildy Award Nominations Sought

Nominations for the seventh annual Buildy Awards, part of ConnectivityWeek 2010, which will be held May 24-27 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, Calif., are being accepted. [More]


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