Air-Conditioning Equipment
Portable air conditioners
All models of Office Pro, Classic, and Classic Plus portable air conditioners are now available with R-410A refrigerant, which meets the air-conditioning industry’s environmental standards to help prevent depletion of the ozone layer. Used for primary, supplemental, or emergency cooling, the air conditioners’ applications include data centers, server rooms, telecom closets, offices, retail stores, industrial plants, warehouses, and special-event locations.
—Manufactured by MovinCool, available through Atlas Sales and Rentals Inc.
Circle 13
Water-cooled condensing unit
Available in six system capacities ranging from 6 to 21 tons, the VRV-WIII is a compact water-cooled condensing unit designed to provide energy and cost savings, as well as the ability to operate in geothermal and cooling-tower/boiler applications. A continuous entering-water temperature of 59˚F to 113˚F is possible, while 50˚F is possible for intermittent operation in both heating and cooling applications. Up to 32 indoor units can be connected on one refrigerant piping network.
—Daikin AC
Circle 14
Rooftop units
Available in 3 to 50 tons, Energence light-commercial rooftop units have seasonal energy-efficiency ratios of up to 17.0 and energy-efficiency ratios of up to 12.8. The Energy Star-qualified units exceed federal regulation minimums by up to 30 percent. Available features minimize blower power during economizer free-cooling mode, while the Prodigy control system verifies performance by confirming that the unit is operating efficiently. The units are available with Humiditrol dehumidification systems to remove moisture for optimal comfort, and certain models can be delivered with an enhanced Humiditrol system that removes more humidity than typical hot-gas reheat systems.
Circle 15
Precision air-cooling system
A precision air-cooling system, gForce has demonstrated energy savings of 20 to 40 percent. The system’s backward-curved plenum fan is integrated with an electronically commutated (EC) motor into a single unit. The EC motor/fan combination has a maximum efficiency of greater than 90 percent, an efficiency that remains high over a wider range of revolutions per minute. With the EC motor/fan combination, problems of slippage, dust, and reliability are eliminated because the only internal element is the single integral backward-curved plenum fan. Additionally, the plenum-fan motor operates without external shafts, bearings, belts, or pulleys.
—Data Aire Inc.
Circle 16
Air-conditioning-system catalog
A 73-page catalog from LG details the company's line of Multi V air-conditioning systems for commercial buildings and lodging and hospitality environments. The catalog includes photographs, diagrams, features, and specifications on the systems' indoor and outdoor units, as well as accessories. Using variable-refrigerant-flow technology to operate cooling and heating simultaneously, the systems provide commercial businesses with greater temperature control, avoiding unnecessary energy usage in unoccupied rooms.
—LG Electronics
Circle 17
Overflow cut-off switch
The EZ Trap UltraSwitch Model EZT-356 is an overflow cut-off switch with an integral mini-pump used to help prevent damage from condensate drain-pan overflows on residential and commercial air conditioners. The switch uses stainless-steel electronic probes to sense rising condensate levels, then deactivates the air conditioner while the mini-pump evacuates the excess condensate into its own 3/16-in. vinyl-tubing drain line. A 15-sec delay prevents false alarms.
—Airtec Products Corp.
Circle 18