April 1, 2010
This month on HPAC.com From the Field Have a new product or service to publicize? Looking to spread the word about a new hire? These and other pertinent

This month on HPAC.com

‘From the Field’

Have a new product or service to publicize? Looking to spread the word about a new hire? These and other pertinent announcements can be posted by HPAC.com users via “From the Field,” a new blog providing the latest on HVACR-industry developments, products, and technology. All submissions are subject to review and editing by HPAC Engineering editors. To register for an account and post on the blog, click the “Register” link in the top right-hand corner of the “From the Field” page at http://blog.hpac.com/from-the-field. Questions? Contact Associate Editor Megan White at megan.white@penton.com.


Two hour-long Webinars recently produced by HPAC Engineering are now available for viewing on demand.

“Rooftop Package Units and Indoor-Air Quality,” presented by David Harlos, ScD, and Michael West, PhD, PE, of Advantek Consulting Inc. and sponsored by Lennox, answers common questions concerning the selection and performance of direct-expansion package units in enhancing indoor-air quality (IAQ), such as: How do you design rooftop package systems to enhance IAQ? When is specialized equipment or a complex chilled-water air-handling unit required for IAQ-sensitive applications? Design details on high-performance ventilation, dehumidification, filtration, energy recovery, and germicidal lamps are provided.

“Venting on Demand: Meeting Sustainable Design Standards Using Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV),” presented by Steen Hagensen and Peter Hansen of EXHAUSTO Inc. and Bill Pratt of Park Potomac Condos and sponsored by EXHAUSTO, discusses the benefits of using DCV in multistory multiresidential and commercial buildings. The Webinar introduces energy-saving calculations that can help earn Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design credits as well as mechanical-venting and combustion-air-supply-system solutions that can help meet requirements related to building aesthetics, safety, and efficient use of space.

Readers can view these and other archived Webinars on demand and register for upcoming Webinars on HPAC Engineering's Website at http://hpac.com/webinars.