According to a survey by Emerson Climate Technologies Inc., 74 percent of contractors are unaware of 2015 regional standards for residential unitary air-conditioning and heat-pump systems, while nearly 80 percent are unaware of 2015 part-load efficiency requirements for light-commercial split, package, and rooftop systems, and 84 percent are unaware of 2015 chiller standards.
The survey of 472 contractors, conducted via e-mail in late 2013, found the majority of contractors either were unaware of the standards or had little idea how the standards would affect their businesses. Only 12 percent had started training their technicians or thinking about an inventory plan.
On the commercial side, the survey found only 8 percent of contractors had trained their service teams on the new rooftop or chiller standards. Very few—only 3 percent—had talked to an original equipment manufacturer about the changes, while only 4 percent had started to develop a marketing plan to address the regulatory changes with their customers.
“We want to help the industry get prepared for these changes, and we will be providing additional information on our new Website, AC & Heating Connect,” Frank Landwehr, vice president of air-conditioning marketing for Emerson Climate Technologies, said. “We will continue to support the industry’s readiness with educational materials, technology updates, and insights from additional surveys.”