ASHRAE Learning Institute is offering 10 online professional-development seminars focused on commissioning, environmental quality, energy efficiency, HVAC applications, and standards and guidelines this fall.
Participants can access these instructor-led courses from anywhere with an Internet connection and earn continuing-education units/professional-development hours for each course completed.
The courses are:
- Introduction to BACnet, Sept. 14.
- Humidity Control: Applications, Control Levels, and Mold Avoidance, Sept. 16.
- Designing High-Performance Healthcare HVAC Systems, Sept. 21.
- Energy Management Best Practices, Oct. 12.
- Complying with Standard 90.1-2013: HVAC/Mechanical, Oct. 14.
- Commissioning for High-Performance Buildings, Oct. 19.
- Commissioning Process in New & Existing Buildings, Part 1 and Part 2: Oct. 21 and Oct. 28.
- Combined Heat & Power: Creating Efficiency Through Design & Operations, Oct. 26.
- Laboratory Design: The Basics and Beyond, Nov. 2.
- Fundamental Requirements of Standard 62.1-2013, Nov. 4.
For pricing and to register, visit