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VFDs with bypass option

Jan. 9, 2013
The P-Series line of variable-frequency drives (VFDs) now features an energy-management-bypass option (EMB) that includes integrated power metering and a BACnet interface. The option ensures uninterruptible operation of HVAC systems, even if the drive is taken out of the loop, such as for reprogramming or maintenance operations. P-Series VFDs are available in a range of packages from 1 through 400 hp. Cerus Industrial
The P-Series line of variable-frequency drives (VFDs) now features an energy-management-bypass option (EMB) that includes integrated power metering and a BACnet interface. The option ensures uninterruptible operation of HVAC systems, even if the drive is taken out of the loop, such as for reprogramming or maintenance operations. P-Series VFDs are available in a range of packages from 1 through 400 hp. Cerus Industrial

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