Notice Anything Different?

Jan. 8, 2013
HPAC Engineering launched our completely redesigned website the first week in January 2013. This was in defiance of the rumor that the world was going to end. Thank goodness the ancient Mayans were wrong. We invite you to peruse the site and let us know what you think.

In celebration of the survival of the world (Yes, Virginia, the Mayan calendar was in error), the team here at HPAC Engineering thought it would be appropriate to start the new year with a new website. You might notice some subtle changes here, but trust me, this was a top to bottom, inside and out re-design that freshens things up, makes it easier to navigate, and makes it quicker for us to post new news, features, and products to the site and provide you  more information, faster.

There is even a mobile version of the site now so you can easily view our site on your cell phone devices.

You also may notice that our home page is less "busy." We simplified it's look, improved the search functionality, and are now using our own commentary system to make it a little easier for you to share your thoughts on any news item or feature story. You still need to register to leave comments, but once done, you'll note a commenting field at the end of every story that appears on the site.

We've also made it easier for you share our content via social media and email.

So please spend some time here testing things out. Tell us what you like. Tell us what you don't like. Tell us what you'd like to see that isn't already there.

You can leave your comments below, or email them to us. You can also Tweet us at @HPACEng or drop us a Facebook note.

We look forward to hearing from you.

From the staff of HPAC Engineering magazine, we wish all of you a successful, healthy, and productive 2013.

About the Author

Michael Weil | Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Director, 2004-2014

Mike Weil served as editor-in-chief and editorial director of three Penton Media, Inc. (now Informa) properties: Contracting magazine, HPAC Engineering magazine, and HVACR & Hydronics Distribution Business magazine. In total, he worked for Penton Media from November 1980 to 2014, in virtually every editorial capacity and more. Of the 34 years he spent at Penton, 29 of them were with Contracting Business properties, five with HPAC Engineering properties.

Besides managing a staff of four full-time editors and a graphic designer, and writing and editing articles specifically for the HVACR contracting and engineering community, Weil also edited two books for the Service Roundtable, one for NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority) and several others.

As editorial director, he was responsible for the daily operations of the magazines and was instrumental in setting their editorial direction. He was also responsible for orchestrating the Comfortech seminars, as well as the content of the properties’ e-media products –,,, HVACR Hotmail, HVAC-Talk e-newsletter, HPAC FastTrack, HPAC Networked Controls Plus, HPAC Engineering Green Buildings.

Mike Weil is now Editor-in-Chief, of HVAC Today and Director of Communications & Publications for the National Comfort Institute. He can be reached via email at [email protected]; via Twitter, via Facebook, via LinkedIn  or 800-633-7058 (office) or 216-337-6017 (mobile).