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Flue-gas economizer

Jan. 9, 2013
The EcoFlex 90+ system packaged fan-powered flue-gas economizer can be installed in any part of a chimney horizontally or vertically. It can be used in conjunction with any gas-fired heating appliance and is suitable for use with draft-hood-and draft-diverter-equipped heating appliances. It allows multiple boilers to share a single economizer. Enervex Inc. AHR Booth 279
The EcoFlex 90+ system packaged fan-powered flue-gas economizer can be installed in any part of a chimney horizontally or vertically. It can be used in conjunction with any gas-fired heating appliance and is suitable for use with draft-hood-and draft-diverter-equipped heating appliances. It allows multiple boilers to share a single economizer. Enervex Inc.

AHR Booth 279