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Diversity Roadmap Aims to Aid Engineering, Design Firms

June 22, 2023
Interactive tool will allow AEC firms to compare performance to peers, empowering them to take steps to strengthen DEI&B efforts.


FAYETTEVILLE, AR (June 15, 2023) – Zweig Group has unveiled a new DEI&B (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) maturity model and benchmarking tool for engineering and design firms in partnership with the ACEC Research Institute – the independent research arm of the American Council of Engineering Companies. 

Diversity Roadmap: The DEI&B Maturity Model for Engineering & Design Services will allow engineering and design firms to get a snapshot of their current program and provide a roadmap for their journey toward strengthening DEI&B within the organization, aiding in solving one of the industry’s greatest challenges, workforce recruiting and retention.

“Our focus on using data and benchmarking to elevate the industry makes this partnership with the ACEC Research Institute a win-win,” said Zweig Group President and CEO Chad Clinehens. “It is our goal, through ElevateHER®, to advance firms’ ability to recruit and retain their workforce. The Diversity Roadmap tool will give ACEC member firms and the ElevateHER® community resources and recommendations that can drive performance in this critical area of the business.” 

Recognizing the significance of this initiative, ACEC and Zweig Group have come together to support and empower firms in measuring DEI&B. By leveraging the insights gained from this tool, businesses can make informed decisions that drive performance and elevate the industry.

“America’s engineering firms are serious about building a workforce that more closely reflects the communities they serve, and our DEI&B Committee has been committed to making that a reality,” said ACEC President and CEO Linda Bauer Darr. “This new tool not only gives engineering firms a starting point, but a path forward to build on their existing efforts.”  

To participate, firms using the Diversity Roadmap tool will answer questions related to their workplace, workforce, marketplace, and supplier practices. Once firms have completed the questionnaire, they will receive the results and be able to compare those results to the industry at large, along with filtering results by peer groups, such as firm size and geography.  

Research shows that more diverse management teams have higher innovation revenue than less diverse teams,” said ACEC Research Institute Chair Mike Carragher. “As engineering firms continue the work implementing America’s new infrastructure laws, building teams that bring together a diverse set of voices can have a strong impact on both improving the work products and strengthening businesses. We are grateful to Zweig Group for recognizing the importance of the Diversity Roadmap tool and committing their support for the next three years.” 

Many organizations are currently striving to tackle the pressing issue of DEI&B in the AEC industry, but they’re often working in isolation and operating within their own silos. By joining forces, pooling resources, and fostering collaboration, Zweig Group and ACEC can collectively achieve a more profound and meaningful impact. Development of the tool and platform are currently in beta testing, with an expected launch to users in July.

About Zweig Group

Zweig Group, three times on the Inc. 500/5000 list, is the industry leader and premiere authority in AEC firm management and marketing, the go-to source for data and research, and the leading provider of customized learning and training. Zweig Group exists to help AEC firms succeed in a complicated and challenging marketplace through services that include: Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Planning, Valuation, Executive Search, Board of Director Services, Ownership Transition, Marketing & Branding, and Business Development Training. The firm has offices in Dallas and Fayetteville, AR.

Contact: Sara Parkman, Content Manager, Zweig Group, [email protected].