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Engineering Group Congratulates President-Elect Biden

Nov. 12, 2020
ACEC urges incoming Biden Administration to prioritize overdue investment in long-term, resilient infrastructure projects, and address natoinal workforce shortage in STEM.


WASHINGTON DC, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 | The American Council of Engineering Companies -- the business voice of America's engineers -- released the following statement on the outcome of the 2020 presidential election:

"The American Council of Engineering Companies congratulates President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their electoral victory. The 2020 presidential election has been a historic event in a tumultuous year.  It is up to all of us as Americans to overcome the political divides that have emerged over the past year.  Let the result of this election be that important first step to turn the page on our civic engagement. 

It’s time to put partisan politics aside for the greater good and take a page from America’s problem solvers - its engineers. The infrastructure agenda ACEC has been advocating for is ideal for unifying the nation in 2021 and represents an enormous opportunity for the new Administration.

As the business voice of America’s engineers, ACEC looks forward to working with the Biden Administration to address the workforce shortage in STEM, the need to invest in long-term, fully funded resilient infrastructure, and showcase how our members – the designers of the built environment – can tackle the new normal of the COVID impacted workplace. 

At the same time, we will stand by our member firms, many of whom are small and mid-size businesses to preserve the regulatory and tax policies that have enabled our industry to remain competitive and survive the effects of the pandemic."


VIDEO: On November 8, ACEC also hosted a one-hour Post-Election Briefing, with Invariant's Mary Beth Stanton, and Matt Keelen, of the Keeln Group. Watch here. 


For more, contact ACEC Vice President of Communications Jeff Urbanchuk, 1-202-682-4325, [email protected]