Open for review until Dec. 19 is proposed Addendum aq, which updates the standard’s requirements for building-systems commissioning.
“We want to update the standard to reflect experience gained in applying the existing requirements as well as to keep current with trends and terminology in the evolving commissioning industry,” committee chair Andrew Persily said.
Also open for review until Dec. 19 are:
- Proposed Addendum ap, which updates the normative references in Section 11 and the informative references in Appendix G, primarily to reflect the latest publication dates in referenced standards.
- Proposed Addendum as, which updates acoustical requirements based on new technical requirements and review of the International Green Construction Code, Acoustical Society of America documents, the Facilities Guideline Institute health-care guide, and the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED green-building rating system. The changes include a requirement that room background-noise levels be controlled by calculation instead of by prescribing several interrelated features, allowance of either a prescriptive or testing approach for building-envelope and interior assemblies, requirements for mechanical equipment and noise to adjacent properties by equipment, and the addition of a section on acoustical testing.
Open for public comment until Dec. 4 are:
- Addendum ae, which addresses the treatment of waste materials originating from the development of a building project site.
- Addendum ag, which creates a new definition for plants suitable for inclusion in the standard.
- Addendum ah, which revises lighting-power-density requirements for exterior parking areas.
- Addendum ai, which adds requirements for testing, installing, and commissioning air curtains installed in building entrances.
- Addendum aj, which revises bi-level motion-control requirements to better align Addendum as with ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2013, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
- Addendum al, which modifies the provisions for electric-vehicle-charging infrastructure.
- Addendum ak, which updates the standard’s life-cycle assessment of buildings.
- Addendum am, which modifies the roof-heat-island-mitigation section changed via Addendum i.
For more information or to submit a comment, visit