A newly published user’s manual clarifies the intent and implementation of the building industry’s foremost green building standard by explaining its requirements and providing example applications.
Standard 189.1 addresses the areas of site sustainability; water-use efficiency; energy efficiency; indoor environmental quality; a building’s impact on the atmosphere, materials, and resources; and construction and plans for operation. The standard is published by ASHRAE, the Illuminating Engineering Society of (IES) and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). For complete information on the standard, including a readable copy, visit www.ashrae.org/greenstandard.
“The 2014 standard updates the 2011 standard through 67 individual addenda that modified all sections of the standard,” Andrew Persily, chair of the Standard 189.1 committee, said. “The User’s Manual is vital in helping the industry understand these updated provisions, which will help further reduce building energy and environmental impacts through high performance design, construction and operation while providing indoor environments that support the activities of building occupants.”
Among the many changes in the 2014 edition of Standard 189.1 that are addressed in the user’s manual are:
- Change of all site requirements to mandatory, with the previous prescriptive and performance options moved to the mandatory requirements.
- Addition of minimum storm water management requirements for minimizing the impact of storm water discharge from the project site.
- Inclusion of new requirements for bicycle parking; preferred park for low-emission, hybrid and electric vehicles; and a predesign assessment of native and invasive plants.
- Adjustment of minimum on-site renewable energy requirements to provide two clear prescriptive paths for including on-site renewable energy in a project.
- Establishment of two performance options for demonstrating compliance with the minimum energy efficiency requirements.
- Addition of lighting quality to the scope of the indoor environmental quality section as well as requirements for lighting controls in specific space types.
- Clarification of the requirements for air sealing of filtration and air-cleaning equipment; and new requirements for preoccupancy ventilation.
- Addition of minimum moisture control requirements to reduce negative impacts associated with unintentional moisture migration through the building envelope.
- Addition of new requirements for multiple-attribute product declaration or certification and maximum mercury content of certain types of electric lamps.
- Update of requirements related to the environmental impacts associated with the idling of construction vehicles and new requirements to reduce the entry of airborne contaminants associated with construction areas.
The cost of the User’s Manual is $105 ($89, ASHRAE members).
To order, visit www.ashrae.org/bookstore or contact ASHRAE Customer Contact Center at 1-800-527-4723 (United States and Canada) or 404-636-8400 (worldwide) or fax 678-539-2129.