Ohio leads the United States in public schools certified under the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED green-building program.
On Dec. 11, Monroe Central High School in Woodsfield, part of Switzerland of Ohio Local School District, became the 100th public education facility in Ohio to be awarded LEED certification, receiving Silver.
Since 2007, the Ohio School Facilities Commission has required each school building it has funded to seek at least LEED Silver certification, with the goal of achieving Gold. Of Ohio’s 100 certified schools, 44 have exceeded Silver, receiving Gold or Platinum.
On average, Ohio’s first 100 certified schools were designed to use 35 percent less energy and 37 percent less water than comparable buildings constructed and operated to traditional standards.
More than 300 schools in Ohio are registered or certified through LEED.
For a complete list of Ohio’s LEED-certified public schools, go to http://bit.ly/LEED-Ohio.