Easy PP-R-to-PEX transition
Fiber-free duct liners and wraps
AP Armaflex and AP Coilflex duct liners and wraps feature a closed-cell, flexible, elastomeric-foam composition that provides an efficient thermal insulation with excellent sound-absorption properties that attenuate low-frequency airborne noise below 1,000 Hz. Fiber-free construction and built-in Microban antimicrobial protection ensure good indoor-air quality. The liners and wraps are fiber-free, non-particulating, formaldehyde-free, free of PDBE flame retardants, and have low volatile-organic-compound content.Armacellwww.armacell.com
Pressure-independent control valve
Ultrahigh-efficiency boilers
Condensing hot-water boiler
Durable drives
The Danfoss VLT HVAC NEMA/UL Type 4X drive is a durable solution for installations that require protection against windblown dust and rain or splashing water and provides an additional degree of protection against corrosion. The drives are available in standard horsepowers and voltages: 1.5 to 60 hp at 208/240 vac, 1.5 to 125 hp at 480 vac, and 1.5 to 125 hp at 600 vac. The drives also are suitable for NEMA/UL types 1/12/3R and 4.Danfosswww.danfossdrives.com
Fast chiller-tube cleaning
Housed plenum array
Customizable IAQ touchscreen
Firetube wet-back boiler
The Euro Series three-pass firetube wet-back boiler features a full wet-back radiant heat-transfer area that promotes superior internal water circulation and rapid heat absorption. It is available in eight models from 100 to 2,000 bhp, in steam or hot water, and in oil, natural gas, or combination. Separate rear tube sheets allow each pass of tubes to expand and contract at its own rate without tube-to-sheet stress. Tubes are mechanically rolled, flared, and beaded to simplify tube service.Hurst Boilerwww.hurstboiler.com
Variable-refrigerant-flow system
Insertion electromagnetic flow meter
Filtration products
Mechanical manufacturer’s guide
The Division 22/23 Mechanical Manufacturer’s Guide eBook makes it convenient for mechanical engineers and building specifiers to access important product information. This portfolio meets the growing industry demand for digital and mobile communication solutions. Users can easily access duct, pipe, and HVAC equipment insulation solutions, data sheets, CSI MasterFormat three-part system specifications, and green-building program guides.Owens Corninghttp://Division2223.OwensCorning.com
Two- and three-way control valves
High-efficiency pumps
Fume-hood and room controllers
Commercial boilers
The Ultra Commercial condensing high-efficiency gas boiler is available in 550- and 750-mbh sizes and features efficiency levels of 94 percent. The boilers feature U-Control flexibility, which includes 11 pre-set applications for quick system setup and a fully integrated multiple-boiler control. Ultra Commercial boilers are low-NOx-certified and allow for direct-vent and direct-exhaust PVC venting.Weil-McLainwww.weil-mclain.com
Boiler and domestic-water heater