Although President Barack Obama recently announced his decision to delay certain ozone-related U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations to alleviate regulatory pressures on the recovering economy, the Area Source Rule for boilers remains in effect, Cleaver-Brooks, provider of boiler-room products and systems, is reminding companies.
The first deadline for compliance, an Initial Notification of Applicability, was due Sept. 17. Cleaver-Brooks is encouraging companies that missed the deadline to file the form as soon as possible. The form and instructions to complete it are available on Cleaver-Brooks’ Website, which includes a new section dedicated to helping companies understand and comply with the Area Source Rule, as well as the EPA’s other new regulation for boilers: the Major Source Rule (also known as Boiler MACT or BMACT).
Although the EPA announced in May 2011 that it was delaying the implementation of the Major Source Rule until further notice, Cleaver-Brooks recommends an Initial Notification of Applicability for Major Sources be filed as soon as possible.
To determine if your facility is an Area Source or a Major Source, click here.