Makeup-air units
Suitable for kitchens, corridor ventilation, and areas with contaminated air in which energy recovery is not permitted, Model MPX 100-percent outside-makeup-air units include an integral packaged direct-expansion cooling system, which uses environmentally friendly R-410A refrigerant. The units feature 2-in. double-wall cabinet construction, hinged access doors, an airfoil plenum fan, 2-in. pre-filters, and optional high-efficiency post-filters. The units are designed for cooling capacities from 7 to 30 nominal tons and airflow of up to 10,000 cfm.
— Greenheck
Circle 15
Light-commercial rooftop units
HB Series light-commercial air-handling rooftop units feature environmentally friendly R-410A refrigerant and a seasonal energy-efficiency ratio of 13. The units' controls and scroll compressor are located in a compartment isolated from the air stream. Access doors are hinged with stainless-steel piano hinges and use quick-release latches. The units also have a direct-drive backward-inclined plenum fan with a multiple-speed motor to provide needed airflow without the use of belts. A sloped stainless-steel drain pan eliminates standing water, which can support microbial growth.
Circle 16
Commercial comfort systems
Series 100 commercial comfort systems have cooling capacities of 50 to 130 tons and footprints as much as 20-percent smaller than those of competing units. The systems have a single-point power connection that reduces field-wiring costs. Double-wall construction and a double-sloped drain pan enhance indoor-air quality. The units are applicable for commercial buildings, hospitals, schools, and other facilities. Airflow configurations support variable-air-volume, changeover/bypass, and constant-volume applications.
— Johnson Controls
Circle 17
Packaged rooftop units
Energence light-commercial packaged rooftop units are available in 3- to 50-ton capacities with a seasonal energy-efficiency ratio of 17 and an energy-efficiency ratio of 12.8. Energy Star-qualified, the units include a Prodigy unit controller, which tracks the run time of every major component and records the date and time when service or maintenance is performed. A Humiditrol dehumidification system allows for independent temperature and humidity control.
— Lennox
Circle 18
Commercial rooftop systems
One-hundred-percent outdoor-air Maverick II commercial rooftop systems provide room temperature control and comfort through the use of modulating hot-gas reheat and precise controls. Integrated compressor and reheat control automatically energizes reheat whenever dehumidification is needed without using additional energy. The modulated hot-gas-reheat control feature reduces fluctuations in air temperature and humidity, helping to ensure a consistently comfortable environment, which makes the system suitable for use in health-care facilities, schools, hotels, and office buildings. With the use of microchannel coils in the reheat design, more British thermal units per square foot of coil are achieved and less refrigerant charge is used, which minimizes maintenance and eliminates the need for receivers.
— McQuay International
Circle 19
Vibration-isolation curbs
Vibro-Curbs provide mounting for rooftop HVAC units and have integral vibration-dampening spring isolators that can be accessed easily. Custom-sized and spaced to accommodate a rooftop unit's weight and center of gravity for optimum vibration dampening, the isolators can achieve a minimum isolation efficiency of 90 percent. Vertical limit stops eliminate excessive movement caused by wind loads and seismic activity.
— Thybar Corp.
Circle 20
Packaged rooftop air conditioners
Available in 27½- to 50-ton models with 60 Hz or 23- to 42-ton models with 50 Hz, Voyager commercial packaged rooftop air conditioners feature 3-D scroll compressors, ReliaTel controls, computer-aided run testing, and Integrated Comfort Systems. The air conditioners use environmentally friendly R-410A refrigerant and utilize a dedicated downflow or horizontal configuration.
— Trane
Circle 21