The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) will host a series of Webinars supporting projects funded via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act under the State Energy Program (SEP) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG). The Webinar series will address issues and challenges that state, local, and tribal energy practitioners may face when implementing projects.
Some of the more common challenges include developing low-to-no-cost strategies for energy efficiency in public buildings, encouraging residents to invest in energy-efficiency upgrades in their homes, and the use of energy-service performance contracts to finance energy-conservation measures without upfront capital.
TAP provides states, cities, and tribes with the tools and resources needed to implement successful, sustainable renewable-energy projects and deploy cost-effective, clean, and reliable energy-saving technologies in buildings and infrastructure nationwide.
Announced in July, TAP—which is jointly funded with EECBG and SEP Recovery Act funds—accelerates project execution, improves program performance, and increases the return on Recovery Act investments.
The Webinar schedule includes:
• “Low-to-No Cost Strategy for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings”
• “Stretch/Reach Building Codes”
• “Loan Loss Reserves: Lessons from the Field”
• “Taking Advantage of Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs)”
• “Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) Basics”
• "’Green’ Building Codes and Programs”
• “Designing Effective Renewables Programs”
• “Driving Demand for Home Energy Improvements: Lessons from the Field”
For the most up-to-date information and presentation material, visit the Solution Center Webcasts page.